Frequently Asked Questions

How long will my heat pump or air conditioner last?

The average lifespan of a system is 15 years. You may get more or less out of a system depending how hard it is used. There is always a more efficient unit coming along, which is always a good reason to upgrade your system.

Why does my system need maintenance?

Your heating, cooling, or air quality system is responsible for approximately 65 percent of your power bill. And it's the only item in your home that requires maintenance by the manufacturer. Therefore, it's in your best interest to make sure it's operating as efficiently as possible. You wouldn’t drive your car 50,000 miles without an oil change or a tune-up, so why would you keep running your system without the maintenance it requires for peak efficiency?

How often should my air conditioner be cleaned and serviced?

Ignoring routine maintenance on your cooling system may result in expensive repairs down the road. Servicing once a year can prevent damage to your unit, and can prevent a disruption during the heating or cooling season.

How often should my AC filters be changed?

Filters should be changed once a month to keep air flow strong. Low air flow will reduce system effectiveness and may damage the unit.

What is IAQ?

Indoor Air Quality or IAQ is the quality of air you breathe in your home. Research shows the air inside your home has more pollutants and germs than the air outside. Well-maintained heating and air conditioning systems, improved ventilation, and home air cleaning systems can significantly lower the amount of pollutants in the air and have a major impact on the health of those who live there.